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Jumla Dolpo Trek traverse Kagmara-La Pass

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The Upper Dolpo trek is a trip to the elusive Upper Dolpo region, a remote hidden destination in the far west rarely visited by tourist. It is host to one of Nepal's most tranquil and natural beauties. The Upper Dolpo trek attractions comprise of a rich biodiversity including varieties of herbs, unspoiled trans-Himalayan culture, pristine lakes, ancient Buddhist gompas and a unique lifestyle of local people. Sparsely populated, the Upper Dolpo is home to the Bhotiya and Sherpa people. The culture here closely resembles Tibetan customs and locals are followers of Bon religion that predates Buddhism.

The 1999 Oscar-nominated film Himalaya directed by Eric Valli was shot here in Dolpo. Trekking around the Dolpo region takes you to experience an amazing landscape, observing different rain shadow landscapes with stunning mountain views, wild flowers, Himalayan blue sheep, snow leopards, and rare birds like the Himalayan griffon.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1    Arrival in Kathmandu

Day 2    Fly from Kathmandu to Nepalgunj,

Day 3    Fly from Nepalgunj to Jumla 2370m,

Day 4    Trek from Jumla to Gothi Chaur 2800m,

Day 5    Trek from Gothi Chaur to Nephukhona 3010m,

Day 6    Trek from Nephukhona to Nauli Kharka 3670m,

Day 7    Trek from Nauli Kharka to Hurikot 2650m,

Day 8    Trek from Hurikot to Garpung Khola 2920m,

Day 9    Trek from Garpung Khola to Kagmara Phedi 2900m,

Day 10    Trek from Kagmara Phedi to Lasa 4060m,

Day 11    Trek from Lasa to Pungmo 3600m,

Day 12    Rest Day,

Day 13    Trek from Pungmo to Ringmo Gaon 3733m,

Day 14    Exploring the Shey Phoksundo Lake,

Day 15    Trek from Ringmo Gaon to Yak Kharka 3982m,

Day 16    Trek from Yak Kharka to Danigar 4631m,

Day 17    Trek from Danigar to Dho Tarap 3944m,

Day 18    Trek from Dho Tarap to Ghyamgar 3756m,

Day 19    Trek from Ghyamgar to Chhyugar 3441m,

Day 20    : Trek from Chhyugar to Tarakot 2537m,

Day 21    Trek from Tarakot to Dunai 2140m,

Day 22    Trek from Dunai to Juphal 2475m,

Day 23    Fly from Juphal to Nepalgunj and fly back to Kathmandu,

Day 24    Final departure

Day 1 : Arrival in Kathmandu

Arrival in Kathmandu and meet with our company’s representative at the airport, transfer to Hotel, welcome drink and short briefing, relax.

Accomodation :

Day 2 : Fly from Kathmandu to Nepalgunj,

We take the flight to Nepalgunj in the mid-far west of Nepal. This one-hours flight is quite memorable as it is traversed the entire length of the Nepalese Himalayas to west of Kathmandu. The superb views of Langtang, Manaslu, and Annapurnas and Dhaulagiri and finally Dolpa are clearly visible. Nepalgunj is close to the Indian border, and quite warm in comparison with Kathmandu. We check out from the Hotel and fifteen minutes drive to the airport. Overnight in Hotel
Accomodation :

Day 3 : Fly from Nepalgunj to Jumla 2370m,

We have to be at the airport early as we take the first flight to Jumla, which takes only half an hour at the campsite from the airstrip where we meet our porters and kitchen crews; who have walked there ahead ten days early. This resting day gives us time for our preparations nicely for our trip. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 4 : Trek from Jumla to Gothi Chaur 2800m,

The starting day usually starts to the day are after our breakfast at by 8.30am. The first day is always a bit slow. Following the path heading south east from Jumla, on the left (true right side of the river Tila, a bridge is reached after an hour and a half to Garjankot (lunch); where we stop there for lunch. A slightly longer walk in the afternoon passes a few houses; and going via the irrigation channel on the right, from where there is a lovely view of the rolling hills around the surroundings. The camp is 200m below at a sheep pasture known as Gothi Chaur (2800m). Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 5 : Trek from Gothi Chaur to Nephukhona 3010m,

The trail drops down ahead the banks of a tributary of the Tila River which is crossed by a small bridge to the main river and the bridge s there to its left bank. Alpine forests and clear streams are the order of the day and two hours after leaving the camp you reach the village of Munigaon; where there is a police check post. The main trail continues southeast to Jajarkot and the Bheri River. Our route turns to the east by the check post staying on the left side of the river instead of crossing the bridge. After 20 minutes another bridge comes there; which is followed to a lunch stop 20 minutes further. And now there are seen in large numbers soaring trees. After lunch, a short afternoon's walk leads to the village of Naphukhona with a large Tibetan Chorten. Our campsite is 10 minute further below the Gompa (3100m). Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 6 : Trek from Nephukhona to Nauli Kharka 3670m,

Following the river through some of the most superb forest so far seen, lunch is taken after only two hours and we start off to climb the Maure La (3927m). The climb from the lunch spot takes around 45 minutes. And the wonderful views of the Bheri River Valley and the Peaks of Ghyuthumba and Matathumba are adjacent to us. The first peaks to climb in Dolpo in1953 was by Dr. Herbert Tichy. In the distance a hundred Miles away, the huge Api Himal is the dominating the other peaks to the west. It is well worthy for a superb view of the Dhaulagiri Massif and Annapurna II from there. Stay overnight at tented camp
Accomodation :

Day 7 : Trek from Nauli Kharka to Hurikot 2650m,

An extremely enjoyable walks, through more forest, which yields the first view of the Kagmara Lekh and the Bheri River itself. The path can be seen detouring across the hillside through the village of Chaurkot. Lunch is taken by the stream side. The village Rimi and Kaigaon are soon clearly visible and the path drops down through Rimi, which is quite dirty, to the more picturesque. Kaigaon village stays on the left side of the river, after further on below the village Hurikot is located. (2650m). A monastery is being built just above the campsite and it is normal for groups to give some donation. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 8 : Trek from Hurikot to Garpung Khola 2920m,

Follow the stream to the village, which is of Tibetan characteristic. The path climbs gradually staying high above the Garpung Khola for two hours until it reaches the Jagdula Khola and a lunch stop at the army post on the opposite side (2950m). A steep climb for half an hour leads to an excellent view to Kagmara. Continuing along the left bank to camp by a bridge crossing the Garpung Khola appears there. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 9 : Trek from Garpung Khola to Kagmara Phedi 2900m,

A short morning's walk and a rest afternoon. Cross the bridge and follow the river for two hours to reach a fine point of the route ahead, including the campsite, which is an hour further. The first night we stay there at 4000 meters. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 10 : Trek from Kagmara Phedi to Lasa 4060m,

A big day is to cross the Kagmara La (5115m). Taking a packed lunch, follow the right bank of the river for a short way until the path becomes slightly arduous below a steep climb. Reaching on the top of this, the pass is marked in the traditional Tibetan way with hundreds of prayer flags, and the view is quite stunning. The short climb to the summit of Kagmara Ri (5115m) takes no more than half an hour, but the extra view is well worthy here. The mountains of Tibet and Mount Everest are are far away in distance form here becoming an impressive panorama, which is dominated by the Dhaulagiri massif and the Annapurnas. The view to the south and west of the Kagmara Lekh and the Kanjiroba Himal is equally impressive. There is no need to be in a hurry, as the camp site is a mere hour below the pass on a flat grassy land cleared by the river (4060m). Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 11 : Trek from Lasa to Pungmo 3600m,

The Himalayan blue sheep and wild fox are seen from the camp as well as the numerous birds. A big descent, over 1200 meters, leads through a valley to the village of Pungmo. Camp is made by the Chorten-the entrance to the village. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 12 : Rest Day,

A rest day if you wish, but the spare day is to give everyone the chance to visit the important Gompa above Pungmo. There are in fact two Gompas as we have entered a region where both 'Bon' and 'traditional' Buddhism are practiced. Chortens become very confusing s one dictates an anti- clockwise passing whilst the other clockwise. However, the lams of both Gompas are willing to show you around for a small donation. To reach them, look out for a wooden bridge below the village. Cross this to the opposite bank of the river and follow the path up through the pine forest past a Chorten. The path becomes quite exposed as it cuts across a cliff to reach the sanctuary. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 13 : Trek from Pungmo to Ringmo Gaon 3733m,

Today's destination is the village of Ringmo by the side of beautiful Phuksumdo Tal (lake). Keeping to the left side of the river, descend for one hour to a military camp (3150m) at the junction of the Pungmo and Phuksumdo Rivers. Turning left immediately after the camp, follow a delightful path by the Phuksumdo River to a grassy clearing spot for lunch. The afternoon's walk up to Ringmo is very rewarding as huge rock walls guard the upper valley and as we reach at 3800m Ringmo village, the lake can be seen. Really impressive is the huge waterfall falling down from the Phuksumdo River. From the prayer flags, a pleasant half an hour's walk leads to the village of Ringmo and camp is made on the opposite side of the village (3733m). Crossing the bridge in the village and turn left to reach the lake now is quite fantastic. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 14 : Exploring the Shey Phoksundo Lake,

A resting day in Ringmo is needed that surroundes by the beautiful clear waters of Ringmo Lake. And the nearby monastery is worthy for a visit. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 15 : Trek from Ringmo Gaon to Yak Kharka 3982m,

The final part of the trek sets out to explore towards the hidden valley of Tarap, considered to be one of the last bastions of Tibetan culture in Nepal. It is an easy day involving a couple of hour's walks in the morning to a Yak grazing pasture by the Manduwa Khola. The path skirts along lodges made out of cliffs for the Yak caravans from Dolpo. The views down the Suli Gad and crossing to the Kagmara Lekh are particularly attractive. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 16 : Trek from Yak Kharka to Danigar 4631m,

Today is a very strenuous cumbersome day crossing the basic Bhanjyang (Baga La 5200m). It is also one of the most fascinating parts of the trek as we cross the watershed of the main Himalayan dry Tibetan plateaus. Following the river, the path turns north ups the valley side and climbs steeply to the pass; which is marked by a chorten and the usual prayer standards. The views to the east and north are now completely contrasted to those of the previous two weeks trekking. The mountain looks orange and brown stretching out towards the north. The pass is often windy and the descent is party rapid to the river below and our camp (4631m). The trail to Shey and Saldang follows the tracks made by Yaks that have made the journey south over the centuries back in the history of Dolpo. At this point we are only three hours from the village of Shey. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 17 : Trek from Danigar to Dho Tarap 3944m,

The Tarap Valley is our today's destination and by the climb to the Numla La (5350m), the walk into this beautiful and wild Tibetan landscape is one of the highlights of the trek. A four to five hour climb leads to the pass and the view is very much stunning awesome. Dhaulagiri-1 the prominent feature, with the rolling Tibetan hills and the Kanjiroba Himal to the west are equally impressive. For an excellent 3600m panorama, climb the small peak to the left of the pass. The path descends gradually into the Tarap Valley. In two to three hours walk, the Champa Gompa is passed on the left and the camp is made a little further down the valley in the first village (3944). Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 18 : Trek from Dho Tarap to Ghyamgar 3756m,

A long day, Due to the openness of the Tarap Valley, the sun heats the tent early in the morning, giving an enjoyment feel to the morning. The mornings walk passes through the villages of Clumaga and Kakar, both extremely interesting with many Chorten, and again both Bun-Po (the ancient pre-Buddhistic religion) and Choba (orthodox Buddhist) settlement are seen there. There are two Gompas in Dho, Guru Bumba (Chob) and (Bon) above the village Scipcha Gompa. Leaving Dho (a name given to the last village but actually meaning the upper collection of villages), the Tarap Khola is followed for two hours. At first, on its left bank, near a bridge where, there is the lunch stop. This is the last flat ground for three to four hours as the valley becomes narrow with deep gorges crossed by innumerable small bridges. However, it is an extremely well made path, one of the finest gorge paths around the Himalayan surface, offering you an entertaining afternoon's walk. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 19 : Trek from Ghyamgar to Chhyugar 3441m,

The path through the gorge continues, switching through the riverbank to way up the cliff side on some amazing constructions! After a long morning's walk (look out for Musk Deer), a large clearing field by the river is reached. This is Lahini and marks the ending of the gorge. The path to Chhyugar is ahead where we make our camp. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 20 : : Trek from Chhyugar to Tarakot 2537m,

From the check post, ahead to east for a few hundred feet, there is a well mad bridge to cross the left bank of the Barbung Khola, into which the Trap Khola now follows. This river is followed for three hours to the village of Tarakot where we stop for our rest to afternoon. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 21 : Trek from Tarakot to Dunai 2140m,

Another easy day, continuing along the Barbung Khola through a beautiful alpine valley to the village of Dunai it is four hours walking to our camp site by the new 'Blue Sheep lodge'. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 22 : Trek from Dunai to Juphal 2475m,

The final day's walk continues along the river to a teashop by the side of the path (One and a half hours), which marks the start of going to the Juphal airstrip. The path climbs steadily, passing through the village of Juphal to the airstrip. Stay overnight at tented camp.
Accomodation :

Day 23 : Fly from Juphal to Nepalgunj and fly back to Kathmandu,

We take the flight to Nepalgunj, for an afternoon's rest before flying on to Kathmandu on the following day. The views from Phokshumdo Lake to the Annapurna ranges are famous throughout Nepal.
Accomodation :

Day 24 : Final departure

Your adventure comes to an end today. There is nothing to do but we trade emails with travel companions and organize the photos. A representative from Jvill nepal will escort you to the airport approximately 3 hours before the scheduled flight.On our way to home, we will have plenty of time to plan our next adventure in the wonderful country of Nepal.
Accomodation :

Features Included on Jumla Dolpo Trek traverse Kagmara-La Pass

Features Not Included on Jumla Dolpo Trek traverse Kagmara-La Pass

Things To know


Equipments & Packing List

This list is a guideline to help you pack for your adventure. Also understand that the items listed below will vary a little according to the season and the trek duration. Those items marked by an asterisk (*) are provided by Himalayan Glacier inclusive in the service. The weight limit for your luggage is 33 pounds or 15 kg. Remember that your luggage will be carried by your porter but you are required to carry a day-pack (with your valuables or anything important) on your own. We also suggest that you pack only what is necessary.

Important documents and items

  • Valid passport, 2 extra passport size photos, airline tickets
  • Separate photocopies of passport, visa form (easily obtained at Kathmandu airport), proof of insurance
  • Dollars, pounds or Euros in cash for purchasing Nepalese visa at Kathmandu airport, for paying for restaurants and hotels, for gratuities, snacks, and to purchase your own drinks and gifts
  • Credit cards, Bank/ATM/Cash machine cards for withdrawing funds from cash machines (bring a photocopy of your cards), traveler's checks, etc.


  • Bandana or head scarf, also useful for dusty conditions
  • Warm hat that covers your ears (wool or synthetic)
  • Headlamp with extra batteries and bulbs
  • Sunglasses with UV protection
  • Prescription sunglasses (if required)

Upper Body                                                                       

  • Polypropylene shirts (1 half sleeve and 2 long sleeves)
  • Light and expedition weight thermal tops
  • Fleece wind-stopper jacket or pullover
  • Waterproof (preferably breathable fabric) shell jacket
  • Down vest and/or jacket *
  • Gore-Tex jacket with hood, waterproof and breathable


  • 1 pair of lightweight poly-liner gloves.
  • 1 pair of lightweight wool or fleece gloves
  • 1 pair of mittens, consists of 1 Gore-Tex over mitt matched with a very warm polar-fleece mitt liner (seasonal)

 Lower Body

  • Non-cotton underwear briefs
  • 1 pair of Hiking shorts
  • 1 pair of Hiking trousers
  • 1 pair of lightweight thermal bottoms (seasonal)
  • 1 pair of fleece or woolen trousers
  • 1 pair of waterproof shell pants, breathable fabric


  • 2 pairs of thin, lightweight inner socks
  • 2 pairs of heavy poly or wool socks
  • 1 pair of Hiking boots with spare laces (sturdy soles, water resistant, ankle support, “broken in”)
  • 1 pair of trainers or running shoes and/or sandals
  • Cotton socks (optional)
  • Gaiters (winter only), optional, “low” ankle high version


  • 1 sleeping bag (good to -10 degrees C or 14 degrees F)*
  • Fleece sleeping bag liner (optional)

Rucksack and Travel Bags

  • 1 medium rucksack (50-70 liters/3000-4500 cubic inches, can be used for an airplane carryon)
  • 1 large duffel bag *
  • A small daypack/backpack for carrying your valuables, should have good shoulder padding
  • Small padlocks for duffel-kit bags
  • 2 large waterproof rucksack covers (optional)


  • Small, personal first-aid kit. (simple and light)
  • Aspirin, first-aid tape, and plasters (Band-Aids)
  • 1 skin-blister repair kit
  • Anti-diarrhea pills
  • Anti-headache pills
  • Cough and/or cold medicine
  • Anti-altitude sickness pills: Diamox or Acetylzolamide
  • Stomach antibiotic: Ciprofloxacin, etc. Do not bring sleeping pills as they are a respiratory depressant.
  • Water purification tablets or water filter
  • 1 set of earplugs
  • Extra pair of prescription glasses, contact lens supplies

Practical Items

  • 1 small roll of repair tape, 1 sewing-repair kit
  • 1 cigarette lighter, 1 small box of matches
  • 1 compass or GPS(optional)
  • 1 alarm clock/watch
  • 1 digital camera with extra cards and batteries
  • large Ziplocs
  • 2 water bottles (1 liter each)
  • 1 small folding knife
  • Binoculars (optional)
  • 4 large, waterproof, disposable rubbish sacks


  • 1 medium-sized quick drying towel
  • Toothbrush/paste (preferably biodegradable)
  • Multi-purpose soap (preferably biodegradable)
  • Deodorants
  • Nail clippers
  • Face and body moisturizer
  • Female hygiene products
  • Small mirror

Personal Hygiene

  • Wet wipes (baby wipes)
  • Tissue /toilet roll
  • Anti-bacterial hand wash

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Trek facts

Start From kathmandu
End At kathmandu
Duration 24 days
Highest Elevation 4631
Group Size 2 - 30person

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