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Dolpo trek

Dolpo trek

Dolpo region is the largest district situated in mid-west of Nepal, in the rain shadow region. Also called “Ba Yul” or the Hidden valley, Dolpa is a land of mystery surrounded by Tibet in North and highest Dhaulgari Massif in South. Unlike other trekking destinations, the area is visited by very few tourists. The 1999 Oscar-nominated film Himalayadirected by Eric Valli and the legendary The Snow Leopard written by Peter Mathiessen were both based in Dolpo.

The Dolpo Trek attractions comprise of a rich biodiversity including varieties of herbs, unspoiled trans-Himalayan culture, pristine lakes, hot springs, ancient Buddhist gompas and a unique lifestyle of local people. The major highlights of the trek include visiting Shey Phoksundo National Park and Shey Phoksundo Lake (3660m). Shey Phoksundo National Park is the largest and only trans-Himalayan National Park in Nepal home to such rare animals like the Blue Sheep, Himalayan Griffon, the Musk Deer, the elusive Snow Leopard and rare birds like the Himalayan griffon. The medicinal plant, Yarchagumba (Coerdiopsis sinensis) a type of wild mushroom is also found in abundance in this region.

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